Monday, September 3, 2007

So Far September is OKAY

So last month sucked. A Lot. That's it. Plain and simple.


This month, although it is only on it's third day, has been quite enjoyable. Even things that I thought were going to be bad (i.e. the oven at work not working. I work in a Bakery... we kind of NEED an oven) actually worked out quite well since it meant I didn't really have to do anything all day except make garlic bread. I didn't even have to make Chocolate Chewies, which I detest more than any other thing I have to make (which of course means that everyone loves them and I have to make them like every 3 days.)

Plus, starting tomorrow at work, I don't have to be there until 10 am! Since up until now I've had to be there at 7 am, this is quite a nice change. I do have to stay until about 5 or 6 though, but since Teresa is never home until around 6 anyways, it doesn't matter. Plus I can listen to whatever music and no one will be like, 'uh, wtf?'

Yesterday, Teresa and I went to Williams Sonoma at the mall up the street. They have a lot of really nice kitchen things and are kind of really expensive. But we really like the stuff they have. LIKE what I got! They had various Halloween themed goodies (since that most amazing of holidays is coming up) such as ghost/bat/pumpkin spatulas; skeleton/spider-web aprons; 3-D cookie cutters; and jack-o-lantern/witch/bat pancakes molds. I bought the pancakes molds. They ROCK.

And there was a delicious recipe for buttermilk pancakes on the box, so we had an amazing Halloween breakfast today, complete with maple bacon and orange juice!

I love days off.

We also found out, by removing the bottom drawer of our fridge, that the previous tenants seem to have spilled Mountain Dew, or some other violently green liquid, into the bottom of the fridge. GROSS. Since it seems to have solidified into neon green syrupglue.


1 comment:

ezpoppy said...

sometimes it is better to just not know about what lurks under things, like that refriderator neon green gunk.