Monday, February 11, 2008


So Teresa and I layed down for our (mostly) daily nap at around 5:00 PM today. It was a cold (15 degrees) and clear day. When we woke up at about 6:30 we found this....

Our apartments parking lot.

There is usually a curb and then parking lot there....

Trying to capture exactly what falling snow looks like around a light. Basically amazing, although this doesn't show it..

On the way to groceries

Also on the way to groceries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, I was reading about this storm in your local newspaper online. It sounds like a big mess! I hope you and Teresa are staying warm and dry and safe.

The weather here in California ought to be a bit dryer and warmer than what you have there now. Hope that will be OK.

Stay warm and can't wait to see you!