27 weeks!! Holy crap time is flying.
Babycenter says there is only 91 days to go! A to the countdown on my cell phone, there is 88 days 11 hours 23 minutes remaining until 12:01 AM on October 3, 2008. Here's some baby stuff we got and some belly pics and what not.

Teresa said: "I look fat." .... YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!! NOT FAT.

This is a carseat that Teresa's mom got from one of her coworkers for us. Cool.

It goes with this stoller.

A crib that she got us full of bags of baby clothes that one of Teresa's coworkers gave us.

And finally, a table we got at IKEA with four chairs that is much smaller then the table we had previously (can be seen in background) Which is good for us, since there is only 2 of us (and a baby on the way) and we don't need a huge table to eat dinner.
Not that we ever eat at the table anyway...
Wow! There are only 91 (or 88+) days left! That is amazing. I mean, in about 3 months you two are going to have a little baby. Looks like you guys got some good stuff. Baby clothes - that is great! Crib, stroller and car seat - terrific! And Teresa, you positively glow with the beauty only pregnant women have.
GO IKEA! Yeah if I had a table I wouldn't use it. Great Pictures by the way.
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