GIRL | | | | apparently.. Those three lines inside the circle=girl! YAY!! I'm so excited!
We got some 4-D images.. they are a little creepy since it's all 3 dimensional and what not.. not sure why they are
4-D. I thought it was time.. since that
is the fourth dimension, but nope. I guess maybe color since the 3-D ones were in b&w.

That's her little head and face and body. You can see the right side of the face with an ear a nose and eyes and mouth. She is basically laying on the placenta on her stomach like it's a big comfy bean bag chair! n_n

This is a really clear shot of the face and an arm and hand. Plus you can see her little knee poking up. Kind of creepy but really cool. Our little girl is a skeleton baby!! already in costume for Halloween!

This is like side of body/arm/leg/baby butt!!

A view from above, kind of. Myspace angles. Her little face and body and knee!

Aww... it's just like in Juno! here's a porfile of her.

Teresa thought the spine pictures looked really cool so the lady printed us one up.

This is the regular (non 4-D) version of her face and you can see an arm and a leg I think.

Antoher profile shot!

And this is her little feetses. Her legs are crossed and this is kind of from behind her legs. Her feet are at the bottom.
OMG I'm so super excited and this is awesome and I'm going to take a nap!
yay its a girl!!! and she's already gorgeous!!!
Dear Teresa and Jack (and li'l girl too!):
Congratulations, we are all very excited and looking forward to meeting your little girl in person! The scans are terrific and awe inspiring - how amazing technology can be! Best to all and look forward to updates in the future.
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