BUT the crazy thing is, like AS SOON AS I POSTED IT on deviantArt, 4 people faved it and one said they wanted it as a print! I feel lame for getting so excited, but people rarely comment on my art on dA and even rarer do they fav. PLUS REQUESTING A PRINT? Unheard of.
Here's a pic of the spider in action.... well, more like just chillin'

Oh also. Teresa, for some unknown reason (well, actually, she had a dream about it) has become OBSESSED with bentos. Like staying up way late every night and being almost late to work like every day because she has been looking at bento pictures and recipes. It's ridiculous.
But it did result in me getting this WICKED AWESOME Nightmare Before Christmas bento set. And it means that she is going to start making me lunches! How sweet is that!

Hmm... it seems there was something else I was going to post about. but now I can't remember. Oh well. OH right, I got Brain Age 2 today for the DS. My brain age is 50. Lame. Well, originally it was 57, but after training for just one day, it was down to 50.
That game is hard, it makes me feel dumb, and it actually makes the front part of my brain hurt. That's a good sign since that is the part of the brain it is working and when you work a muscle that hasn't been used in a while, it can get sore!
That game is hard, it makes me feel dumb, and it actually makes the front part of my brain hurt. That's a good sign since that is the part of the brain it is working and when you work a muscle that hasn't been used in a while, it can get sore!
You're right- the lunch box (bentos?) is awesome! And what is that game you were talking about on your 'DS'? Your age is 50 and that is lame? Hey, wait.... Oh, never mind.
And congrats on the fave/request for your art!! Terrific! Don't let the lack of comments/request get you down - that is just the way of the world. But it is sweet when people have that kind of reaction!
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