So, for reasons unknown to me, I have decided to join up here on blogger. I think I will start using this instead of livejournal.
Yay. Nothing for my first post.
Oh, also, I wanted this to be jackzilla.blogspot but that was taken so I had to do with Jackzira.. like Gojira.. like how they say Godzilla in Japan.
Well, I guess I could go into the mass pile of shit that this month has been. What a nice way to start a brand spakin' new blog: complaining like hell.
Let's see, I don't think I remember ALL the terribleness, but mostly.
First of all, Teresa was sick. For like, 2 weeks straight. Not an exaggeration. Two whole weeks of vomiting and other nasty sick-time things. Finally she seems to be better. Only, wait, nope, now it's time for me to be sick. I was only sick for one day, but it sucked.
Basically, since I was sick, I missed the bus I needed to ride to get home, where at least being sick is a LITTLE more comfortable then being sick waiting at a bus stop. Since I missed the bus and it was a Saturday, I had to wait about an hour and forty-five minutes for the next bus. The whole time worrying that I was going to throw up. Which I did at one point, and lemme tell you, if you have never thrown up at a bus stop while everyone is stopped in traffic staring at you... don't do it. IT SUCKS.
So finally, the bus comes, but by this point storm clouds have moved uncomfortably close to where I'm going. So I get on the bus, hoping to make it home before it starts raining. Too bad it started raining about 10 seconds before I got off the bus. And not a light, sprinkly happy-fun rain. More like a torrential down pouring of big, meaty drops that hurt when they hit you. So the 5 minute walk home from there was fun. Running to make sure lightning didn't come any closer.
Remember, I threw up like 10 minutes before this.
But after I get home, everything is okay.
Ugh, I don't feel like complaining any more today. I will finish the shit month post tomorrow.
Kelli here~ You could of been Jacktzilla X3 but oh well. Already chose a name. ^.^ It's still good.
And I've thrown up at McDonald's before. The combo of being sick already, the smell of french fries, the heat, and lastly a horrible perfume that a lady bathed in made me sick. So I told my mom I was going to vomit and headed for the exit. Right there and then I threw up, my vomit spreading all over the only entrance/exit for customers use. It took over the whole floor right there. My mom and myself moved to the corner and hopped over it quickly to escape... but those poor other people in there who had to eat in the heat with that smell, trapped in there since they didn't want to go near the barf.
haha, I feel really bad for you but thats funny. You sound like me with the last minute telling anybody that you are gonna hurl.
Im famous among my immediate family for being like "I think.. I Think... I think I'm gonna... gonna be... BARFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
lol yeah. Normally I can feel when I'm about to barf so I do try to warn people. It's so they can look away if they need to O.o
Did u vomit more hardcore than josh's?
No, but it was more violent
ah, yes, I remember the "I think I'm...(pant, pant); I think I'm gonna... (pant, pant); I think I'm gonna be... (pant, pant)... BARFFFFFFF!" all over the back seat of my car. Yuk. No where to pull over there on the levee road anyway. But that car smelled like peanut butter vomit for good long while.
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