Wednesday, August 29, 2007
My Hands Are Going To Die
So on deviantArt, there is this 100 word challenge thing goint around. Basically, there is this list of "100 Words" (or phrases I guess) and you are supposed to draw a picture for each one. I figure this will be a nice way for me to get back into the whole drawing thing since it gives me something to start with.
I don't know how long this will take, but as I finish each one, I will put them up on here for you to see.
The rules
1. Make 100 pics each pic having a theme listed below. Each pic should have ONE and only ONE theme to it, for it to count.
2. No time limit so have fun
3. The main picture should be drawn but not limited to. for all fair purposes, people are allowed to use their paint programs and photoshop to create the pic.
3.a) pics should be of own artistic ability. You may not edit photos, or break any other rules set out in the Da etiquette policy. Your pics can be anything from sketches and doodles to great master pieces. Just have fun with it.
4. The list below is to be placed somewhere in your journal for others to see that......
A) You are in the challenge
B) What you have completed
5. make sure to update this list and check off what is done and make a link to the pic
6. In the comments for your art work note if it is part of the list and what ONE theme it is.
1. Introduction
2. Love
3. Light
4. Dark
5. Seeking Solace
6. Break Away
7. Heaven
8. Innocence
9. Drive
10. Breathe Again
11. Memory
12. Insanity
13. Misfortune
14. Smile
15. Silence
16. Questioning
17. Blood
18. Rainbow
19. Gray
20. Fortitude
21. Vacation
22. Mother Nature
23. Cat
24. No Time
25. Trouble Lurking
26. Tears
27. Foreign
28. Sorrow
29. Happiness
30. Under the Rain
31. Flowers
32. Night
33. Expectations
34. Stars
35. Hold My Hand
36. Precious Treasure
37. Eyes
38. Abandoned
39. Dreams
40. Rated
41. Teamwork
42. Standing Still
43. Dying
44. Two Roads
45. Illusion
46. Family
47. Creation
48. Childhood
49. Stripes
50. Breaking the Rules
51. Sport
52. Deep in Thought
53. Keeping A Secret
54. Tower
55. Waiting
56. Danger Ahead
57. Sacrifice
58. Kick in the Head
59. No Way Out
60. Rejection
61. Fairy Tale
62. Magic
63. Do Not Disturb
64. Multitasking
65. Horror
66. Traps
67. Playing the Melody
68. Hero
69. Annoyance
70. 67%
71. Obsession
72. Mischief Managed
73. I Can't
74. Are You Challenging Me?
75. Mirror
76. Broken Pieces
77. Test
78. Drink
79. Starvation
80. Words
81. Pen And Paper
82. Can You Hear Me?
83. Heal
84. Out Cold
85. Spiral
86. Seeing Red
87. Food
88. Pain
89. Through the Fire
90. Triangle
91. Drowning
92. All That I Have
93. Give Up
94. Last Hope
95. Advertisment
96. In the Storm
97. Safety First
98. Puzzle
99. Solitude
100. Relaxation
And No I don't have a pic to start with................
I don't know how long this will take, but as I finish each one, I will put them up on here for you to see.
100 Word Challenge
The point of this challenge is to test and improve your skill as an artist.The rules
1. Make 100 pics each pic having a theme listed below. Each pic should have ONE and only ONE theme to it, for it to count.
2. No time limit so have fun
3. The main picture should be drawn but not limited to. for all fair purposes, people are allowed to use their paint programs and photoshop to create the pic.
3.a) pics should be of own artistic ability. You may not edit photos, or break any other rules set out in the Da etiquette policy. Your pics can be anything from sketches and doodles to great master pieces. Just have fun with it.
4. The list below is to be placed somewhere in your journal for others to see that......
A) You are in the challenge
B) What you have completed
5. make sure to update this list and check off what is done and make a link to the pic
6. In the comments for your art work note if it is part of the list and what ONE theme it is.
1. Introduction
2. Love
3. Light
4. Dark
5. Seeking Solace
6. Break Away
7. Heaven
8. Innocence
9. Drive
10. Breathe Again
11. Memory
12. Insanity
13. Misfortune
14. Smile
15. Silence
16. Questioning
17. Blood
18. Rainbow
19. Gray
20. Fortitude
21. Vacation
22. Mother Nature
23. Cat
24. No Time
25. Trouble Lurking
26. Tears
27. Foreign
28. Sorrow
29. Happiness
30. Under the Rain
31. Flowers
32. Night
33. Expectations
34. Stars
35. Hold My Hand
36. Precious Treasure
37. Eyes
38. Abandoned
39. Dreams
40. Rated
41. Teamwork
42. Standing Still
43. Dying
44. Two Roads
45. Illusion
46. Family
47. Creation
48. Childhood
49. Stripes
50. Breaking the Rules
51. Sport
52. Deep in Thought
53. Keeping A Secret
54. Tower
55. Waiting
56. Danger Ahead
57. Sacrifice
58. Kick in the Head
59. No Way Out
60. Rejection
61. Fairy Tale
62. Magic
63. Do Not Disturb
64. Multitasking
65. Horror
66. Traps
67. Playing the Melody
68. Hero
69. Annoyance
70. 67%
71. Obsession
72. Mischief Managed
73. I Can't
74. Are You Challenging Me?
75. Mirror
76. Broken Pieces
77. Test
78. Drink
79. Starvation
80. Words
81. Pen And Paper
82. Can You Hear Me?
83. Heal
84. Out Cold
85. Spiral
86. Seeing Red
87. Food
88. Pain
89. Through the Fire
90. Triangle
91. Drowning
92. All That I Have
93. Give Up
94. Last Hope
95. Advertisment
96. In the Storm
97. Safety First
98. Puzzle
99. Solitude
100. Relaxation
And No I don't have a pic to start with................
And So It Begins (Part II)

So, to continue with the shitty month.. let's see, we left off with the throwing up at the bus stop...
Basically, the other most stressful thing this month happened last night...
Teresa has a tattoo. Well.. lemme start over. Teresa does ART and she does the thing well. She comes up with all these amazing characters and stories and such and yeah, she is really cool. Check it here. Anyways, she has one character that is the embodiment of her. It IS her. She's had it for about 5+ years and wanted to get a tattoo of this character. Not just A tattoo, her first tattoo. So she had her artist friend. who is also amazing and does really cool tatt designs. draw up a tattoo of this character. It turned out really awesome. This was two years ago. So now, two years later, Teresa has had the tattoo for about five months now and loves it. (It's so cool BTW).
Last night we come to find out that someone has seen the tattoo design and basically stolen it.
Here's how it worked. The friend that drew it, Holly, posted it on her deviantart acount (it's no longer there because of this bullshit). Teresa wanted people to see it so she was okay with that and Holly said it was her favorite design she has done, so she wanted to share it with people. Which it should be shared because it's amazing and it's ART on an ART site.
Anyways, so this guy apparently saw the tattoo design randomly (he doesn't know Holly or Teresa, he apparently just stumbled upon it) and decided he really liked it. Fine thats cool. It's a really nice design. But then he decided he liked it so much he wanted it tattooed on him. Even that's okay that he liked it that much. But he never asked, and apparently never read what the artist even said about it in the description. If he had, he would have seen the mass amount of the description that was devoted to saying it was Teresa's design, for her use only, don't use it. Plus, in most of the comments, people had said "hey this is cool. I want this tattoo." To which Teresa had said, "thanks for enjoying it, but don't get it tattooed since it's special to me and for me and IS me."
AND THEY WERE OK WITH THAT. Cuz most people are not "dickwads and morons" as my dad called this guy.
But oh no, this guy is too good to read what the artist of some art that he like SOOO much has to say about it.
So he fucking got TERESA'S Character tattooed to him. TERESA'S PERSONAL MEANING TATTOO is on someone else. What the fuck? That is like so beyond shitty.
It's fucking art theft to the max. This guy has Teresa's fucking symbol on him for life. He doesn't even know what it is for. He doesn't know what the meaning is. Although he said it had some special meaning for him, it really can't since Teresa came up with the character for herself and Holly drew it FOR TERESA.
So then, he decided it was high time to leave a comment on the design saying, "oh these drawings are so nice I got one tattooed on me." Basically, 'I stole your art, SEE??'
BUT OH NO, that's not the worst of it. Teresa, when she found out, was extremely upset and hurt. Understandable since it's basically stealing part of her identity through art. So she replied to this guy and told him how it made her fell. He basically went on to say he didn't really give a shit and was kind of glad that it made her so upset. He said since she got her her friends to "attack" him, he could care less. She never told anyone to go and bother this guy, she just said this is what happened and it fucking sucks and so does this guy.
He never apologized and never tried to fix it. Teresa and Holly both even said, "We will design something FOR YOU that has meaning FOR YOU" and Teresa even said that she would help pay to get it changed. But nope, this guy has decided to be a douche and not do anything.
But I guess as my dad put it, "he's now marked for life as a thief, an idiot, and a dickwad." And that no matter what, it's still special for Teresa and don't let anyone take that away.
I feel I left some stuff out and I probably did, but oh well, this shit sucks.
Hopefully next month will be better.
Oh, also his tattoo fucking sucked. It looked like shit and was a travesty of a tattoo. So even if it wasn't Teresa's I'd still be mad because he shit on the Mona Lisa. He fucked up beautiful art.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
And So It Begins (Part I)

So, for reasons unknown to me, I have decided to join up here on blogger. I think I will start using this instead of livejournal.
Yay. Nothing for my first post.
Oh, also, I wanted this to be jackzilla.blogspot but that was taken so I had to do with Jackzira.. like Gojira.. like how they say Godzilla in Japan.
Well, I guess I could go into the mass pile of shit that this month has been. What a nice way to start a brand spakin' new blog: complaining like hell.
Let's see, I don't think I remember ALL the terribleness, but mostly.
First of all, Teresa was sick. For like, 2 weeks straight. Not an exaggeration. Two whole weeks of vomiting and other nasty sick-time things. Finally she seems to be better. Only, wait, nope, now it's time for me to be sick. I was only sick for one day, but it sucked.
Basically, since I was sick, I missed the bus I needed to ride to get home, where at least being sick is a LITTLE more comfortable then being sick waiting at a bus stop. Since I missed the bus and it was a Saturday, I had to wait about an hour and forty-five minutes for the next bus. The whole time worrying that I was going to throw up. Which I did at one point, and lemme tell you, if you have never thrown up at a bus stop while everyone is stopped in traffic staring at you... don't do it. IT SUCKS.
So finally, the bus comes, but by this point storm clouds have moved uncomfortably close to where I'm going. So I get on the bus, hoping to make it home before it starts raining. Too bad it started raining about 10 seconds before I got off the bus. And not a light, sprinkly happy-fun rain. More like a torrential down pouring of big, meaty drops that hurt when they hit you. So the 5 minute walk home from there was fun. Running to make sure lightning didn't come any closer.
Remember, I threw up like 10 minutes before this.
But after I get home, everything is okay.
Ugh, I don't feel like complaining any more today. I will finish the shit month post tomorrow.
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