Today went really well. Teresa and I were both able to get some really good, MUCH NEEDED, rest. And some really great pictures. Hard to believe the little one is already 5 days old. It's crazy how time is working right now. I thought time was messed up that last month of waiting.
I also came to an odd realization today that as new as Dahlia is, she is as familiar as Teresa's or my face. It is the mix of us in her that makes it like looking at Teresa or looking in the mirror but slightly different.
It's a very strange feeling but one that is really amazing and awesome.
We took some pictures with Teresa's camera today, which, as you'll see, takes much better pictures than my phone.
'Cept Dahlia had her first pediatrician's appointment today. She did really well and is gaining weight again already. When she was born she was 7lb 14oz, when we left the hospital on Wednesday, she was 7lb 8oz. And today she was 7lb 10oz! hooray. So she is feeding well and everything is going really great. Still not a lot of sleep happening on my end, but that's alright, as along as Teresa and Dahlia are getting sleep than that's all that matters.
Dahlia Ang (that's right, no middle name!) was born at 12:22 PM on September 29, 2008 at Norton Suburban Women's Pavillion here in Louisville. Teresa's water broke at 1:30 Am Monday morning and we got to the hospital at about 2:30. Hard labor started around 10:30 AM
She weighed 7lb 14oz at birth and was 20.5 inches. All the toes and fingers and noses and ear are there!